
Labour consultancy

The complexity and sensitivity of human relations, the value of people to organisations, the legislative labyrinth which regulates labour relations and the cost factor all make human resources and its management key to business success.

AuditiA's professionals work closely with clients to get to know the characteristics of the company in depth and accompany them when designing the most appropriate policies for the needs of the company. They evaluate all aspects of the organisation to find the human resources needs and help them with the labour aspects of the project (hiring, collective negotiations and agreements, audits and conflicts).

Conscious of the complex reality of human relations, AUDITIA's professionals will provide an immediate and continuous response to the day to day needs of an operating business. Thanks to our international association, PrimeGlobal, we can offer any service relating to labour management to any location in the world.

We are experts in the administration of all processes relating to the working environment:


Preparation, modification and completion of working contracts including those involving special or commercial representation such as important roles, autonomous dependants, commercial agents. Control of contract expiry dates. Drafting and negotiation of clauses relating to confidentiality and non-compliance, exclusivity, IT, patent, etc.

Labour management

Hiring in the company and work centres. Employee affiliations with Social Security. Unemployment certificates. Continuous assessment. Payroll and social insurance preparation. Monthly payroll accounting summary. Retention and income models for employee accounts. Annual summaries. Complements to the public Social Security loans. Special systems (directors, working from home, sportspeople, autonomous entities and TRADES). Sickness processing.

Modification of working conditions

Functional mobility and polyvalence, geographical mobility, transfers, outsourcing and subcontracting

Compensation systems

Pension plans and funds, incentive systems, salary incentives and insurance.

Social Security Claims

Retirement, widowhood, orphan pension, temporary and permanent disability, unemployment.

Disciplinary procedure

Offences and sanctions. Resources for this work risk and accidents at work area.


Claims to the administrative conciliation and arbitration bodies and the labour jurisdiction. Quantity demands, recognition of rights, redundancy, contractual expiry, geographical and functional moves, job post repayment. Work accident claims.

Representation before the Social Security and Work Inspection


Management of relations with worker representatives (staff delegates and business committees) and trade unions.


Negotiations with parties' representatives. Job post repayment processes. Employment Regulation File Processes. Quantity request agreements and files processed before the Salary Guarantee Fund.

Work Auditing

Detailed analysis of situation and creation of reports aimed at assessing possible contingencies. Due diligence.

Work consultancy

Design and implementation of protocols (internal and IT). Work condition flexibility system. Reports and legal documents issued.

Selection of staff and HR policies


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Audit, Tax and Advisory.

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Protection policy data


Purpose: attend the queries made and receive information from the company.

Legitimation: Your consent and in compliance with GDPR 2016/679 y la LOPD-GDD 3/2018.

Recipients: the entity itself, there are no transfers of data to third parties.

Rights: Access, rectification, deletion and portability of your data, and limitation or opposition to your treatment or withdraw the consent given by contacting us in our contact form.
