

The company environment is characterised by its dynamic nature and the internationalisation of companies at all levels. The demands of the company require entrepreneurs to show concentration in their drive and project developments. Process and profitability efficiency are crucial

In this environment, with the aim of being more competitive and reducing risks, it makes sense to concentrate on the key business aspects and externalise non-strategic activities such as administrative, economic, tax, labour and legal experts, leaving them to experts who minimise and vary costs, increase the business's efficiency and profitability.

Through our multidisciplinary team of specialists, AUDITIA offers its clients concrete technical solutions in the operations process in the areas of control, administration, tax and legal.

AUDITIA's Outsourcing service is based on long-term experience and important technical knowledge of the professionals involved in the projects, their vocation and personal contracts.

The services we offer are organised by process:

Constitution and establishment of businesses

AuditiA carried out all steps for establishing businesses driven both by Spanish entrepreneurs and by multinational companies who want to work in Spain.

- Consultancy about the best way to establish a business.

- Constitution of limited and anonymous businesses.

- Permanent established, temporary joint venture or ventures of economic interest.

- Business headquarters.

Administrative support

AuditiA includes the human and technical resources to support businesses in administrative tasks starting immediately and converting them into a variable cost.

  • Management of internal communications and correspondence.
  • Secretary.
  • Invoicing.
  • Purchasing.
  • Assistance in management of outgoing and incoming payments.


Certain companies which are very commercial, at early stages of development or which are too small to justify a certain structure must focus their human and intellectual resources on the operations, the driving of key business aspects and improving performance.

Our outsourcing accounting team consists of a group of specialist accountancy experts which will provide economic and financial information about your business is a reliable, appropriate and relevant manner in addition to ensuring it meets legal requirements.

The outsourcing accounting services include:

  • Design and implementation of accounting systems.
  • Consultancy in the application of accounting regulations and the management of tax liquidations.
  • Carrying out accounting:
    • as per generally accepted regulations in Spain;
    • as per international regulations and US GAAP;
    • on specific systems, the client's, resident's or in the cloud.
  • Carrying out complex accounting entries.
  • Economic and financial analysis of accounting information.
  • Accounting supervision.
  • Preparation of annual accounts to be deposited in the commercial record as per Spanish legislation in force.
  • Preparation of intermediate financial statements or to specific ends.
  • Preparation of financial statements as per IFRS and US GAAP.
  • Economic and financial reporting for the management team, central office or shareholders.
  • Preparation of consolidation packages.
  • External auditor service.
  • Preparation of reports for the group's auditors.
  • Annual accounts and deposit in the Commercial Record.
  • Coordination with external auditors.

Tax liquidation

With the aim of ensuring the project keeps the largest number of the best resources possible while coordinating with the administration and accounting departments, our experts will provide advice on the liquidation of taxes to which the operations are subject and to meet tax obligations safely and efficiently.

 Our liquidation of taxes outsourcing services include:

  • Assessment on taxes which the company must liquidate based on transactions made.
  • Liquidation of Value Added Tax (VAT - Models 303 and 390).
  • Liquidation of personal income tax (IRPF - Models 111, 115, 130, 131, 180 and 190).
  • Company tax (Model 200).
  • Split company tax payments (Model 202).
  • Annual Information Declaration on Third Party Operations with amounts of over 3,006 euros (Model 347).
  • Annual Information Declaration on Inter-community Operations (Model 349).
  • Statistical Declaration on Commercial Traffic or Intrastat.

Administration of human resources and labour management

The search for staff, payroll administration and its payments, the compliance with the complex labour legislation, knowledge and application of the disciplinary system for the company all require time and effort which can be detrimental to the company's drive. Our labour experts have a wide range of experience in labour consultancy and human resources administration which allows you to save time and energy, enjoying the security of having left such an important matter in the best possible hands.

Our human resources and labour management administration outsourcing services includes the following services:

  • New staff and work centres for Social Security.
  • Search for and selection of staff.
  • Preparation, modification and resolution of labour contracts.
  • Employee affiliations with Social Security.
  • Preparation and sending of payslips.
  • Salary payment bank orders.
  • Preparation of monthly payroll accounting summary.
  • Liquidation of personal income tax (IPRF) and income for professionals and workers and the corresponding annual summaries.
  • Liquidation and payment using the RED system for monthly contributions to Social Security.
  • Consultancy for special systems (directors, working from home, sportspeople, autonomous entities and TRADES).
  • Sickness processing.
  • Consultancy for geographical movements and multi-functionality.
  • Disciplinary procedure: offences and sanctions.
  • Accidents at work.
  • Representation before the Social Security and Work Inspection.

Interim management

In business restructuring situations, transitional processes involving administrative and financial management posts, in the case of suddenly losing a person in these areas, not wanting to increase the size of the management team or assume those costs permanently, AuditiA will make its professional experts available in the fields of economic, financial and business administrative management who can fit into the organisation's management team quickly and efficiently.

Communication 2.0 and Social media management

We also offer the externalisation of communications for companies which do not have a permanent marketing and communications structure but do want those services. Press departments, event organisation, internal and external corporate communication, communication 2.0.


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Protection policy data


Purpose: attend the queries made and receive information from the company.

Legitimation: Your consent and in compliance with GDPR 2016/679 y la LOPD-GDD 3/2018.

Recipients: the entity itself, there are no transfers of data to third parties.

Rights: Access, rectification, deletion and portability of your data, and limitation or opposition to your treatment or withdraw the consent given by contacting us in our contact form.
