

There are many reasons for which a legal action may fail but the majority of them can be avoided if we receive appropriate professional consultancy in economic, financial, accountancy and technological areas.

AUDITIA has a team of experts which work independently with the most objectivity and integrity possible. The outcome of this work is clear, concise and consistent reports which ensure understanding of complex technical and economic questions. We also have sufficient experience to successfully defend our arguments against third parties during the ratification process.

We act as independent experts before national legal Courts and Tribunals, Arbitration Tribunals and Administration Courts and organisms.

We are able to offer the following services:

Creation of independent expert reports in litigious situations

Understand of the conflict and analysis of the situation with the aim of clarifying and quantifying the economic-financial and commercial consequences.

Economic quantification of damages (consequential damages and loss of earnings)

With professional thoroughness and objectivity to ensure that our position is unquestionable before a tribunal relating to non-compliance of contracts, unfair competition, etc.

Counter reports

Contrary evidence, based on a complete, objective and critical analysis refute previously-presented theories by the parties with solid, truthful, rigorous and logical arguments.

Final reports

Final reports of the price of a transaction by mutual agreement between the two parties.

Support during litigation

Support during litigation related to intellectual property and the use of licences.

Feasibility process support organisational

Feasibility process support organisational and economic-financial reports and company restructuring (layoffs).

Assistance during arbitration and litigation

Assistance during arbitration and litigation, offering our clients experts on economy, different sectors, accountancy and financial projections.

Insurance claims.

Insurance claims.


Ratifications before competent tribunals.

Lawyer and consultancy support

Lawyer and consultancy support on the contents of expert evidence to apply obtain in different jurisdictions.

Obtaining and analysis of digital evidence and other investigations

When the case requires the knowledge and experience in dealing with digital information or other special investigations, AuditiA works with the recognised firms INCIDE and Winterman, made up of a team of investigators, engineers specialising in IT security, new technologies and digital forensics. In this way, we can provide the best possible resources for obtaining and analysing evidence in cases such as:

- Anti-fraud investigations.

 - Creation of "investigation reports" in terms of fraudulent conveyance, unfair competition, and others.

- Creation of IT expert reports with process guarantees through the establishment of solid custody or search methodology chains authorised by legal precedents.

In these cases, the experts from both companies ratify their own report issued as evidence.


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  1. Más información sobre las cookies

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La presente Política de cookies ha sido actualizada a marzo de 2019.



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Protection policy data


Purpose: attend the queries made and receive information from the company.

Legitimation: Your consent and in compliance with GDPR 2016/679 y la LOPD-GDD 3/2018.

Recipients: the entity itself, there are no transfers of data to third parties.

Rights: Access, rectification, deletion and portability of your data, and limitation or opposition to your treatment or withdraw the consent given by contacting us in our contact form.
