

Non-profit organisations (NPO), also known as NGOs, are the social response to the needs of our planet. They collect the essential human values and work every day for human rights and peace, for justice and dignity for people, for the environment and for the future generations.

For many years, AUDITIA has shared these values and participated in the third sector as a collaborative agent when carrying out these objectives.

The third sector is young, dynamic and subject to huge economic, social and even moral pressure. NGOs must choose between alternative aims, apply as many resources to these ends as possible in the most efficient and effective way possible, justifying them at all times.  This is usually done with insufficient human resources while competing with a commercial sector which offers ever more interesting economic opportunities. There are economic, moral and organisational handicaps which stand against the usually distressing needs of the recipients of the work.

After years of experience, AUDITIA indirectly contributes to the progress of society and sustainable social transformation by working with the NGOs in implementing good government measures, good management practices and in guaranteeing transparency for donors, beneficiaries and society in general.

To achieve this, our teams of specialists work honestly, thoroughly and passionately with the aim of giving value to the organisational systems in these companies, taking inspiration from the values of transparency, respect and dignity and conscious that our work also involves social responsibility.

At AUDITIA, we firmly believe in continuous training for our technical specialists in order to provide the best service possible, both on national and international levels. Our widespread global contact network, built after years of international cooperation, together with our membership to the important, worldwide independent firm association, PrimeGlobal, and the specialist association, Third Sector Auditors, as well as our usage of English and French, all help us stand out in the market thanks to our global vision and the fact that we offer solutions to an area which also strengthen the development achievements in interventions.

As a benefit to our clients and the company, we continuously look to apply the most effective, efficient and innovative procedures in order to ensure we adapt to a changing sector and guarantee the best possible results.

History often shows us that a simple, selfless action can help change the world. Our commitment to the tertiary sector is based on this premise. Solidarity, correctly understood, commitment to truth, and happiness as a unit of exchange are the tools of our trade. With them we are constructing the foundations of the world we dream of.

Thank you for putting your trust in this world.

Our services can be grouped into three basic axes:

Subsidised supporting account reviews

The company has gained great experience and specialisation in the field of subsidised supporting account reviews for cooperation projects in developing countries, acting on behalf of Spanish bodies and other national and international cooperative public organisms (AECID, European Commission, World Bank, IOM, IBRD, UNHCR, etc.). We carry out our work both inside and outside of Spain (Central America, Latin America, Africa/Maghreb, Middle East). During recent years, we have consolidated our network of local auditing businesses, establishing ever more efficient collaboration based on a contrast methodology.

While we have a high level of specialisation in development cooperation, we also work in other sectors such as healthcare, education, social services, etc.

Annual accounts auditing

AuditiA has a lot of experience in carrying out audits of Non-Governmental Organisations' annual accounts as a whole with the aim of completing the relevant reports for the corresponding control organisms (Patronato, Protectorado, etc...) and is always kept up to date as regards legislative changes which affect the Third Sector specifically.

Review of entities' management systems

· Review of entities' internal control system.

· Review of the management systems implemented in the co-financed agreements and projects framework.

Specialist consultancy

· NPO restructuring.- Merger due to absorption, partial contribution to activities, regrouping, etc.

· Support in creating subsidised supporting accounts.

· Consultancy for implementation of project management integrated IT systems.

· Consultancy for the creation of budgets, monitoring and budget control.

· Assistance when creating an action plan.

· Creation of the company's project management manual.

· Verification of good governance and transparency indicators.

·Training and raising awareness of administrative systems and procedures in technical departments.

·Training of financial and administrative departments in international cooperation projects.


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Advisory is not responsible for the content of the PrimeGlobal website nor the content of the
websites of other independent member firms of PrimeGlobal. Equally, PrimeGlobal is not
responsible for the content of the websites of independent member firms, including the AUDITIA 
Audit, Tax and Advisory.

Go to PrimeGlobal website




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La presente Política de cookies ha sido actualizada a marzo de 2019.



You are now leaving the AUDITIA Audit, Tax and Advisory website. AUDITIA Audit, Tax and Advisory is not responsible for the content of the Foundation Capitalismo Consciente website or the content of the websites of other independent member firms of the Foundation Capitalismo Consciente. Equally, the Foundation Capitalismo Consciente is not responsible for the content of the websites of independent member firms, including the AUDITIA Audit, Tax and Advisory.

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Protection policy data


Purpose: attend the queries made and receive information from the company.

Legitimation: Your consent and in compliance with GDPR 2016/679 y la LOPD-GDD 3/2018.

Recipients: the entity itself, there are no transfers of data to third parties.

Rights: Access, rectification, deletion and portability of your data, and limitation or opposition to your treatment or withdraw the consent given by contacting us in our contact form.
