
Crisis and restructuring business

When we feel that:

· The demands of our clients have changed for other products.

· A technological change has occurred in the sector and we cannot see how to adapt.

· Our clients no longer respond to our commercial or marketing tactics and strategies.

· Our stock levels increase and we are left with obsolete products.

· We do not meet objectives which seemed achievable.

· Income is significantly reduced.

· Profits fall or losses are made.

· Structural costs increase more than the proportional amount.

· Our staff are out of date with training and have low morale.

· The short-term debt is out of proportion with permanent resources.

· The banks do not want to hear from us and cut off our supply lines.

· The company is left without cash.

When one of these situations occurs, if we have these feelings, we are immersed in a business crisis and we need to act and implement changes quickly and appropriately, anticipating the best way to give continuity to our business, save jobs and suitably cover our responsibilities.

Our objective is to understand each case with the aim of providing our clients with the best support for resolving difficulties deriving from a crisis process. Our teams will help the management team, the shareholders and creditors, to propose a global relaunch of the company, generating confidence, informing the parties involved and adding value to the process.

AUDITIA has a multi-disciplinary team which works in a coordinated manner and is made up of economists, auditors, lawyers, financial and labour consultants. We can therefore provide our clients with the knowledge and experience of each specialist depending on that required at each stage. AuditiA has a long history which allows us to offer realistic, effective and efficient solutions to face business crisis processes successfully.

Our services include:

Creditor's meetings

In the event that it is not possible to refinance the company's debt, that it is difficult to survive, that there are serious cash flow problems and that the insolvency situation in the company is inevitable, we are faced with a situation that the best solution is the insolvency or liquidation of the company. AuditiA's expert consultants can help you diagnose the situation in your company, renegotiate contracts, plan for the insolvency or reach an agreement with creditors according to legislation in force. The fact that AuditiA forms part of PrimeGlobal, one of the most important associations of independent firms in the world, allows us to add value to our clients, providing solutions not only in Spain.

Viability plans

If we face serious changes in our company and environment, it is necessary to ensure the business's long-term sustainability. The best work and analysis tool used to look at and plan the activities based on the size of the company and its sector is to have a viability plan prepared professionally. In addition, it will be necessary as a key communication and marketing element for the project when searching for members, financial institutions, investors or to request public or private aid. AuditiA's experts will analyse the market, help the client prepare plans relating to marketing, commercialisation, production and operations, organisation and human resources, and investment and financing which will make up a clear, objective, concise and complete economic and financial viability plan which will help implement, control and manage the project, adding credibility and value.

Viability plan monitoring

Monitoring the implementation of the viability plan is vital to giving value to the firm and confirming financial sustainability to creditors. Our teams are specialists at determining the methodology for carrying out periodic reporting and creating a report including a review and conclusions.


When the indexes indicate that the company is not sustainable in the mid-term, it is time to analyse the situation and design and implement a restructuring plan. AuditiA's experts will study the situation and define a restructuring and improvement plan for long-term operations, suggesting realistic and effective alternatives and initiatives. Our professionals will be involved in the implementation and, where necessary, act as experienced interim managers, aiding in the negotiation with external parties involved, proposing improvements in cash flow available and reductions in costs.

Independent reviews of viability plans

In the case that you have created a viability plan to face the business's future and you wish to use it as an effective communication tools between your company and the parties involved (potential partners, investors, financial institutions, etc.), it should be subjected to objective analysis by independent experts who can report on it and provide an additional guarantee to win the confidence of those parties. AuditiA's specialists, after assessing the risks, will issue an independent opinion about the plan, its necessary operational funds and permanent resources, the existing guarantees and possible scenarios.


When a company cannot face the debts it has incurred, a refinancing of its debts will be necessary. The situation must be studied and the debt obligation replaced by another with different terms and conditions. These are complicated processes where the experience and knowledge of specialist staff are essential to the assessment of different accounting, strategic and financial aspects of the company as well as any legal concepts. AuditiA's multidisciplinary team of experts will help you understand the financial situation of your company and study the case in detail to help plan the different stages of the refinancing process.

Refinancing due diligence (Independent Business Review - IBR)

In the context of debt refinancing required, a review of the business and treasury plan by an independent expert together with the predicted cash flows will be required by the financial institutions or by the company before the negotiation process begins. AuditiA's experts will carry out the analysis necessary and submit the report in order to start the process.

Search for the optimal divestment exit strategy

When a company does not reach the performance levels desired, it could be due to various reasons from changes in the market to absorption of capital or a reduction in profit margins. AuditiA's teams are prepared to help you recover the value of your company. We will help determine the problems and assess the different strategies to follow.  We will be with you to help make decisions and implement the most optimal strategy depending on your preferences and needs in a logical and efficient manner.

Independent expert reports on refinancing

In the case that there is a refinancing agreement in place and the debtor requests it, an independent expert report must be created as per that established in Additional Disposition 4ª of the Bankruptcy Law in section b). AuditiA's professional experts will create the report required, issuing their judgement on whether the information provided by the debtor is sufficient, whether the viability plan is reasonable and achievable and on the proportionality of the guarantees as per the normal market conditions at the moment the agreement was signed.



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Protection policy data


Purpose: attend the queries made and receive information from the company.

Legitimation: Your consent and in compliance with GDPR 2016/679 y la LOPD-GDD 3/2018.

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