
American clients

Despite the convergence programmes, accounting regulations and the organisation and control of auditing in the United States is substantially different from the European. Regardless of the demands for globalisation, self-governance of regions and cultural differences, it is still very important.

Our specialists are experts in the US GAAP and in one of the most-used accountancy applications in the US, QuickBook. In addition to this, AUDITIA is registered with the PCAOB.

This means that AUDITIA is the best option for the accounting control and supervision of any North American subsidiary in Spain.

The services we offer our North American clients are:

Auditing of US public interest group subsidiaries in Spain

AuditiA is registered with the PCAOB[1] and therefore, under their supervision, it can audit subsidiaries of US public interest groups in Spain. It also offers this service with the guarantee that comes with a lot of experience auditing foreign subsidiaries in Spain, reporting to the central office's auditors and completed consolidation packages. In addition to this, AuditiA's quality of service offers a quick response together with reasonable prices and is a very competitive alternative to the large auditing firms.


[1] PCAOB Certification.-On 9th January 2007, the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB) registered AuditiA. After a process of information gathering and checking by the PCAOB, this record allows our company to audit public financial information belonging to subsidiaries in Spain controlled directly or indirectly by American companies listed on the stock market.

The PCAOB is the independent administrative organisation in charge of supervising auditing in the United States and, especially, those referring to share issuing companies. This organism was created by the Sarbanes Oxley Act, the North American extraterritorial law which, along with others, guarantees that external auditors proceed correctly and guarantees their independence.

AuditiA can therefore increase the range of services offered to its clients and obtain formal proof of technical ability and professional quality at an international level.

Presentation of financial statements under US GAAP

Our experts in US GAAP, JAS and the accounting regulations in force in Spain, adjust the financial statements formulated under a different framework from US GAAP, reformulating them to be used directly in the United States. These statements are always accompanied by the applied adjustments, their justifications and conciliations. Our teams reformulate all financial statements, from the most common balance sheets and results accounts to the treasury's cash flow statements and notes. In the same way, we can adjust financial statements formulated under US GAAP to JAS or the Spanish system.

Reporting to the US group's controllers or auditors

We prepare the reports necessary for reporting both to the group's controllers and auditors with the aim of having all information about the subsidiary in Spain and therefore being able to do its job. We report on the principal differences between the accountancy, the critical aspects of the business and the principal risk areas.

Creation or supervision of subsidiary accounting using QuickBook and based on US GAAP

Occasionally, when the business in Spain allow it, it is practical to have the subsidiary's US GAAP accounting in QuickBook available in the cloud in real time. With the support of new technologies and modern forms of communication, control and reporting are immediate, consolidation is simplified and costs are reduced. Our professional experts can carry out this accounting or train the subsidiary's staff and later supervise their work.



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