Legal notice


The followind entities (hereinafter, the Responsible) as responsable entities of the website, in compliance of the law 34/2002 of the services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce (LSSICE in spanish) informs the users of the identifying data of the owner of the web:



Adress: C/Comte d’Urgell, 240 – 3 D. 08036 Barcelona

Telephone: 93.494.96.96


Tax Identification Code/Tax Identification Number (CIF/NIF in spanish): A58917220

Mercantile registry: Barcelona, Tomo 10433, Libro 152, Hoja 123452. Inscripción 1ª




Adress: C/Comte d’Urgell, 240 – 3 D. 08036 Barcelona

Telephone: 93.494.96.96


Tax Identification Code/Tax Identification Number (CIF/NIF in spanish): B59378083

Mercantile registry: Barcelona, Tomo 20255, Hoja-B9901, Folio 159, Inscripción 1ª




Adress: Pza de Carlos Trías Bertrán, 4



Tax Identification Code/Tax Identification Number (CIF/NIF in spanish): B59053009

Mercantile registry: Madrid, Tomo 11103, Libro 681, Folio 33, Hoja 12315, Inscripción 1ª


THE RESPONSIBLE urges all users who intend to browse this website, to read the Legal Notice and the Terms of Use explained below.

When browsing through this website, implies the knowledge and acceptance of these Terms of Use by the user.

It should be noted that the information you will fin don the we is written in Catalan, Spanish and English.


Through this webpage, AUDITIA TAX AND ADVISORY SA it aims to inform you of our profesional activit. You can also learn more about us, our misión and our values.


Regarding the content,of our website, it aims to make known (to the internet users) the website of THE RESPONSIBLE itself, as well as the services and activities that it makes available to users. It also has forms in which personal data are collected, essential to be able to meet the previous requests of the users.


The owner of the website reserves the right to modify these conditions of use. Therefore, the user who visits the website will have to read them and accept them at each visit he makes.


THE RESPONSIBLE is not responsible for navigation quality or access speed. Any user who accesses this page undertakes to do so in accordance with the law, morals and public order, in terms of access and navigation.


The introduction of viruses that could harm the page itself or third parties is prohibited. The navigation made by the user will be under the responsibility of the user. In the same way, the sending and transmission of any type of threatening, defamatory, obscene, pornographic or any other offensive material and/or that constitutes or encourages conduct that may be contrary to the laws in force is prohibited.


To access the sections that make up the website, it is not necessary to register as a user of the website, so it is free access. In the sections where there are CONTACT FORMS personal data is colected (with prior acceptance of the user). This is essential to be able to establish such communication and be able to meet the user's request. The data is protected in accordance with current regulations on data protection, the RGPD 2016/679.


The Site may include links or links to third party sites. The pages belonging to third parties have not been reviewed nor are they subject to controls by the person in charge. In any case, AUDITIA TAX AND ADVISORY SA cannot be held responsible for the contents of these websites or for the measures adopted regarding their privacy or the processing of their personal data. AUDITIA TAX AND ADVISORY SA recommends the careful reading of the conditions of use and the privacy policy of these sites.

If you are interested in activating a link to any of the pages of AUDITIA TAX AND ADVISORY SA, you must communicate it, obtaining the express consent to create the link. AUDITIA TAX AND ADVISORY SA reserves the right to oppose the activation of links to its website.


The contents of this website, as well as the commercial names, brands or logos inserted therein, are subject to the intellectual and industrial property rights of their owners. Access to the website does not imply in any case the waiver, transmission, the transfer or total or partial license of said rights, nor does it grant any right of use, alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication about the contents or goods subject to industrial property without the prior and express authorization of THE RESPONSIBLE. The content of this website may be downloaded to the user's terminal only for personal or commercial use and will be subject to the principles of good faith and the laws in force.


The owner of the website does not grant any guarantee nor is it liable, in any case, for damages of any kind that could cause:

The owner may modify, without prior notice, the information contained in his website, as well as its configuration and presentation and undertakes through this means not to perform any type of misleading advertising.

For these purposes formal or numerical errors that may be found throughout the content of the different sections of the web, produced as a result of incomplete or defective maintenance and/or updating of the website will not be considered as misleading advertising. information contained in the various sections that compose it. The owner of the website, as a result of the provisions of this section, undertakes to correct it as soon as it becomes aware of such errors.

The owner not to send commercial communications without identifying them as such, in accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002 on Information Society and Electronic Commerce Services.

For this purpose, all the information that is sent to the users of this website will not be considered as commercial communication. Provided that it has as its purpose the maintenance of the existing contractual relationship between the user and the web, as well as the performance of the information tasks, training and other activities of the company.


The Conditions of Use of this website and all situations that may arise from it, will be governed by Spanish law. In the event of any dispute that may arise from accessing or using this website, the user expressly waives his own forum, submitting to the jurisdiction of the Courts and Tribunals of Barcelona (Spain).


The personal data collected through this website, will be subsequently included in an automated file, Web Users, owned by THE RESPONSIBLE, and will be treated at all times under the guidelines of the RGPD 2016/679. The purposes of using the data contained in this file, marked in each section of the website explicitly, can be the following: possibility of communication, by email in response to questions asked by the user, comments or request for information interest, product purchase, activity or rental procedures and make this procedure possible according to current regulations. You may exercise any of the legal rights: access, rectification, deletion and portability of your data, the limitation or opposition to your treatment or withdraw the consent given by writing by certified letter or any other means that accredits the identity of the sender, and leaves proof of receipt to THE RESPONSIBLE, attaching a copy of the ID.

These terms have been updated to March 2019.


You are now leaving the AUDITIA Audit, Tax and Advisory website. AUDITIA Audit, Tax and
Advisory is not responsible for the content of the PrimeGlobal website nor the content of the
websites of other independent member firms of PrimeGlobal. Equally, PrimeGlobal is not
responsible for the content of the websites of independent member firms, including the AUDITIA 
Audit, Tax and Advisory.

Go to PrimeGlobal website




En esta web se recopila y utiliza la información según se indica en el apartado: Política de Privacidad. Pero nosotros no recopilamos información a través de la tecnología “cookies”, pero hay compañías que si lo hacen como google, mozilla o apple.

  1. ¿Qué es una cookie?

Una “cookie” es una pequeña cantidad de texto que se almacena en su navegador (como Chrome de Google o Safari de Apple) cuando navega por la mayoría de los sitios web.

  1. ¿Qué NO es una cookie?

No es un virus, ni un troyano, ni un gusano, ni spam, ni spyware, ni abre ventanas pop-up.

  1. ¿Qué información almacena una cookie?

Las cookies no suelen almacenar información sensible suya, como tarjetas de crédito o datos bancarios, fotografías o información personal, etc. Los datos que guardan son de carácter técnico, estadísticos, preferencias personales, personalización de contenidos, etc.

El servidor web no lo asocia con ninguna persona sino a su navegador web. De hecho, si navega habitualmente con el navegador Chrome y prueba a navegar por la misma web con el navegador Firefox, verá que la web no se da cuenta que es la misma persona porque en realidad está asociando la información al navegador, no a la persona.

  1. ¿Qué tipo de cookies existen?



  1. ¿Qué son las cookies propias y las de terceros?

Las cookies propias son las generadas por la página que estás visitando y las de terceros son las generadas por servicios o proveedores externos como Mailchimp, MadMimi, Mailrelay, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube, Google Adsense, etc.

  1. ¿Qué cookies utiliza esta web?

Esta web no utiliza cookies propias aunque no podemos garantizar que sean utilizadas cookies de terceros.

  1. ¿Se pueden eliminar las cookies?

Sí, y no sólo eliminar, también bloquear, de forma general o particular para un dominio específico.
Para eliminar las cookies de un sitio web debe ir a la configuración de su navegador y allí podrá buscar las asociadas al dominio en cuestión y proceder a su eliminación.


  1. Más información sobre las cookies

Puedes consultar el reglamento sobre cookies publicado por la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos en su “Guía sobre el uso de las cookies” y obtener más información sobre las cookies en Internet,

Si deseas tener un mayor control sobre la instalación de cookies, puedes instalar programas o complementos a tu navegador, conocidos como herramientas de “Do Not Track”, que te permitirán escoger aquellas cookies que deseas permitir.

La presente Política de cookies ha sido actualizada a marzo de 2019.



You are now leaving the AUDITIA Audit, Tax and Advisory website. AUDITIA Audit, Tax and Advisory is not responsible for the content of the Foundation Capitalismo Consciente website or the content of the websites of other independent member firms of the Foundation Capitalismo Consciente. Equally, the Foundation Capitalismo Consciente is not responsible for the content of the websites of independent member firms, including the AUDITIA Audit, Tax and Advisory.

Go to Capitalismo Consciente website


Protection policy data


Purpose: attend the queries made and receive information from the company.

Legitimation: Your consent and in compliance with GDPR 2016/679 y la LOPD-GDD 3/2018.

Recipients: the entity itself, there are no transfers of data to third parties.

Rights: Access, rectification, deletion and portability of your data, and limitation or opposition to your treatment or withdraw the consent given by contacting us in our contact form.
