
Legal :: Commerce

Commercial legislation is the framework which regulates the life of businesses. Planning, deciding and carrying out business operations based on expert legal advice will mean building foundations for corporate life and being able to operate more securely in the business world.

Business operations, restructuring such as mergers or demergers, and national and international investment projects all require commercial consultancy in order to be well planned, efficient and effective, meet all requirements and achieve all objectives.

AuditiA's teams make this service available to your business in order to understand your company and the nature of your operations, analyse them based on experience and help you find the best legal strategy, offering the best quality service.

Our services in this area are listed below:

Corporate governance

- Constitution, dissolution and liquidation of businesses.

- Mergers and demergers.

- Business group restructuring.

- Statutory reforms.

- Continuous assessment and technical secretary.

Corporate operations

- Trading of companies, activity branches and shares.

- Legal due diligence processes.

- Design and execution of business reorganisation and restructuring processes.

- National and international joint ventures and agreements between members.

- MBO and LBO.

Commercial trading

Preparation and negotiation of all kinds of commercial contracts adapted to each specific sector. Our legal experts will help interpret contracts, analyse them and provide information on their validity, scope and contents.

- Agency, distribution and franchise contracts.

- Supply contracts.

- Licence and industry contracts.

- Real and personal guarantees.

- General trading conditions.

Family company

Our specialists are experts in family businesses. They can help plan and negotiate the organisation, its structure and, most important of all, the succession. As regards family record negotiation, additional contracts or social modifications which must be undertaken at any time based on the circumstances, legal support will be given by our professionals, such as:

- Permanent consultancy to the family council.

- Study and preparation of the family record.

- Social restructuring of the group.

- Legal responsibilities.

Insolvency law

In the case of insolvency, our commitment is to be together with our client at all times, closely monitoring and helping ensure the best option possible is selected in every situation.

 Our principal objective is to protect the administrator's responsibility and defend the rights of our client involved in said proceedings.

A bankruptcy process is usually long and full of difficult decisions in which hard decisions must be taken, requiring the best legal support.

In this respect, AuditiA provides specialist assessment in the following fields:

- Pre-insolvency advice: planning before the proceedings. Monitoring of feasibility plans and debt refinancing procedures.

- Banking negotiations.

- Advice regarding the company's investments and de-investments.

- Preparation and presentation at the bankruptcy proceedings. Creation of the economic and legal statement.

- Advice for and about the official receiver.

- Employment Regulation Files.

- Selling and buying shares in crisis companies.

- Study and preparation of the creditor agreement.

- Liquidation.

- Responsibility of the de facto and de jure administrators.

- Defence of creditor rights: credit defence, contesting and recognising, as well as the execution of guarantees.


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Protection policy data


Purpose: attend the queries made and receive information from the company.

Legitimation: Your consent and in compliance with GDPR 2016/679 y la LOPD-GDD 3/2018.

Recipients: the entity itself, there are no transfers of data to third parties.

Rights: Access, rectification, deletion and portability of your data, and limitation or opposition to your treatment or withdraw the consent given by contacting us in our contact form.
